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The most significant new measure, House Bill 819, expands the discretion of physicians so that they can recommend cannabis therapy for “any condition” that they consider “debilitating to an individual patient.”


The analysis projects as many as 295,000 marijuana-related jobs by the close of 2023 – a total that is slightly higher than the total number of computer programmers working in the United States.

New Jersey: Supermajority Back Legalization Measure Ahead of November Vote

Majorities of Democrats (78 percent), Independents (63 percent), and Republicans (57 percent) back the 2023 ballot measure.


“One unanticipated effect of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the growth acceleration of legal cannabis markets (and erosion of the illicit markets) in those states which have activated both medical and adult-use sales.”

A Founder Looks at 50: The “Free John Sinclair” Rally; Public Protests Sometimes Matter

John Lennon obviously thought something good might result from his focusing national attention on this unjust prison sentence for a minor marijuana offense, but I suspect he was as pleasantly shocked as the rest of us when, shortly following the event, the Michigan Supreme Court took action to free John Sinclair.